Ministry Teams

Join a Journey Team

"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another"  1 Peter 4:10 (NLT)

Journey  Worship  Team

Our worship team is a talented group of musicians and singers who lead our congregation in worship every Sunday.

With a passion for music they blend contemporary and traditional songs to create a welcoming atmosphere and help everyone engage in meaningful worship.

We are always looking for new people! Whether you sing or play instruments, we'd love to hear from you!

First Impressions

Do the words friendly, engaging, welcoming, or cheerful describe you? If so, the Greeter Ministry is for you! Making people feel welcomed and accepted at Journey is an important part of who we are.

Parking Team 
The Parking Team directs drivers to the best parking space and keeps traffic flowing smoothly.

Welcome Center
Welcome Center is the hub of welcoming guests to Journey Church.  Answering questions and giving information is very important to helping our guests connect in the church family.

Journey Cafe Team 
Journey Cafe is a wonderful way to meet people and add warmth to their Sunday morning. Responsibilities include making coffee, maintaining clean surroundings, ordering supplies, and closing the Cafe.

Usher Team 
Ushers assist people in finding a seat in the adult services. If you can smile and keep alert, the Usher Team is for you.

Loving and Leading

Journey Student Ministry (JSM) 
JSM exists to equip students to connect with God, connect with each other, and lead others to Jesus. If you have a passion to invest in Middle & High School students, Student Ministry may be for you. Bring your energy and join in the fun.

Journey Kids Ministry
Nursery: The nursery ministry at Journey Church serves children from 6 weeks old through 24 months old. Taking care of children allows parents to enjoy the Worship Experience while you receive the benefit of interacting with God's little ones.

Journey Kids (2 years old - 5th grade): At Journey Church, KIDS are a BIG DEAL! It's a privilege to guide children toward discovering God's purposes for their lives in an exciting, safe environment. We communicate God's purpose through a creative curriculum, music, prayer, Bible stories, Bible memorization, and small group discussion while experiencing tons of fun along the way.

Journey Kids Registration
This team greets and welcomes our Journey Kids and their families when they arrive. This team happily registers and checks in our Journey Kids, informs the parents of our security measures, and directs them to their classes.

Behind the Scenes

Safety Team 
Our Safety Team provides a safe, friendly environment for our Journey family and guests.

Audio/Visual Team
Lighting, Sound, or Screen Presentation are the responsibilities of the A/V Team.   If you enjoy creating, innovating, and have a "techy" bent, join this team.

Church Online Team
This team is split into two parts, the Live Stream Team and the Church Online Host Team. The Live Stream Team oversees the online production and airing of our church services. This includes a producer and camera operators. The Church Online Host Team is responsible for connecting with and serving our guests and church family on our online campus.

After Hours

The Refresh Team
We value a clean environment and facilities for our guests. The Refresh team serves on Saturday morning preparing the facilities for Sunday services as well as refresh the facilities following each service on Sunday.

Events Team 
This team provides set up, food service, and decoration for classes and special events.

Interested in volunteering?

Fill out the form below to get more information and join a ministry team today!